Public Speaking

Public Speaking
Too often, children who write with great fluency struggle to express themselves on a public platform even among their peers. Hence, VVS lays great emphasis on verbal communication skills among children from an early age.
We deploy many methods starting with presentations in assembly, formal presentation of projects, debates, elocution, declamation dramatics.
We deploy many methods starting with presentations in assembly, formal presentation of projects, debates, elocution, declamation dramatics.

Project presentations
VVS students participate in International Space Settlement contests in which they work in groups and prepare presentations in less than 24 hours for evaluation and assessment by professional space engineers.
VVS students researched and presented their views and recommendations on limiting screen time.
VVS students researched and presented their views and recommendations on limiting screen time.

Elocution and Declamation
Nothing brings out the beauty and power of a language as well as elocution of a well written speech. All VVS students learn to present meaningful and relevant speeches by famous men and women – political leaders, Nobel Laureates, cinema actors, sports stars, and other celebrities. VVS students also gain a greater insight into literature by declaiming memorable passages such as Portia’s speech on the ‘Quality of Mercy’.