Inclusive education

Is “Inclusive education” just some methods for teaching children with special needs? This is wholly contrary to the founding principles of Vidya Valley School.
A “well played!” remark by a coach might be enough for a tearful student who has just lost an important match. But a child facing adversities like a death in the family, parental separation, cyber bullying, or loss of self-confidence needs more. As children of all ages, all talents, and backgrounds could encounter difficult situations, Vidya Valley implements inclusive education for all children in all classes throughout their schooldays for countering difficult situations.
Two outstanding systems at Vidya Valley
- The Guardian Tutors System
- SED, the Skill Enhancement Department
Guardian Tutor System

A senior teacher is the Guardian Tutor of a small group of students. Each student joins a Guardian Tutor Group in Class 6 and remains a member until graduation.
A child is with a Guardian Tutor for 5 years. A warm association develops that enables the child to obtain help and guidance on matters beyond academic performance. Guardian Tutor Group meetings may cover wide ranging matters of mutual interest. Older members of a Group can support younger ones in casual ways that may not be found from parents. In a sense, each Group resemble like an extended family
In additional to class and subject teachers, parents meet Guardian Tutors on Open Days for information and guidance about their children
SED: Skill Enhancement Department

The SED is a team of highly experienced counsellors and special educators.
The remarkable success of inclusive education at Vidya Valley School has been possible by wholehearted implementation “Early Detection and Early Intervention” by SED with the aid and support of the Principal and teachers.
SED is a vital link between teachers, parents, medical specialists, and child psychologists. Its widespread task – briefly stated – are:
- Working with Pre-primary classes onward to assist mitigation of learning difficulties of some children
- Use of multiple techniques for remediation.
- Use of assistive technology and tools to measure progress and outcomes.
- Guiding parents on supplementary teaching at home.
- Advising and encouraging parents (when necessary) to seek counsel from reputed professionals.
- Using the findings of external professionals to assist parents and teachers to set up suitable longer-term remedial measures
- Assisting and advising the Principal and coordinators on its findings.