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Society for Excellence in Education


Vidya Valley @ Twenty


The Bungalow in Aundh

20 years ago, Nalini Sengupta started Vidya Valley School in a small bungalow in Aundh, Pune.
Her reputation as an educator immediately drew parents of young children to her fledgling school.
Soon the bungalow was full!


The Sus Apartment Years

In 2001 she moved the school to a set of apartments in the Sus Area of Pune.
In five years the school grew to over 400 children studying up to Class X.
During these years, the School became affiliated to the CISCE and offered NIOS to students from Class IX.


The Campus in Sus

Naturally, Mrs. Sengupta wanted the school to have ample space for sport and allied activities.
In 2005, she obtained access to a green valley of 12 acres, surrounded by wooded hills for the permanent location of the School.
Construction was rapid; the school moved to the new building in 2006.
The first batch of ICSE and NIOS students finished their education in the new campus.
The ICSE batch graduated in March 2006 with flying colours and the of NIOS batch graduated in April 2006.


The Years Beyond

Parents who embrace her views have consistently sought admission in Vidya Valley School.
Over the years the School has grown from 400 to 1350 students.
Correspondingly the school has added facilities to meet the expectations of students and their parents.
Vidya Valley School is an embodiment of Mrs. Sengupta’s philosophy of education.
A generation of students have passed through her school as wholesome well-rounded students ready to become good citizens of India.

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