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Society for Excellence in Education

Hydroponic growth of plants science experiment

Hydroponics is a form of soil-less gardening. Here the soil is substituted by an alternative which is water and the fertilizers are added to the water directly, so all that our plant needs are water and sunlight to thrive.

During the school project, I learned to grow Coriander hydroponically at home. It was a quite an easy and hassle-free experience with no special tools required. I just used a 2-liter coke bottle, coco pit, water, and coriander seeds to grow my plant. Once the assembly was set, I just sat and watch for me to see my plants growing quickly within 7 – 10 days.

I was thrilled as I could grow plants without soil. It was just like magic. My mother helped me in this process. The overall experience excited my whole family to think of ways to grow more and more plants on our balcony hydroponically and convert it into our little terrace garden with homegrown vegetables like coriander, spinach, mint, etc.

I also have shared my experience with my societal friends, family, and relatives to encourage them to try this new magical way of growing plants hydroponically.

-Arnav Agarwal

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