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Society for Excellence in Education

Independence Day 2024

Independence Day 2024

The 15 th of August of every year is a day of great zeal and honour for every Indian. This year
was no exception. Vidya valley shares this very feeling of gratitude to all its students and
teachers with a spectacular morning celebration to pay homage to all those who helped us
achieve independence and freedom.

The program began with the unfurling of our Flag by none other than our beloved principal,
Nalini Sengupta, Ipsita ma’am, P.K sir, Nilima ma’am and many other esteemed members of
the faculty. This was indeed a moment to remember as the shower of petals that fell from the
flag, made us all reminiscence the feeling of joy when we first attained freedom in 1947.

That joyous start to the occasion, led us forward to 8 th grade’s talented speaker Parmita, who
expressed her laudation towards the country in English and taught us all how proud we
should be to be Indian. Further on, to showcase India’s rich heritage in the form of music, a
group of students from grade 8 beautifully performed songs in our national language, Hindi.
Their melodious voices hummed a familiar tone in our heads even after the performance
was over, leaving the audience wanting more!

Words spoken only in English are not enough to fully showcase the greatness of our country,
hence our next speaker was Saanvika Ansoliya who artfully displayed her views on India in
Hindi through her brilliantly and thoughtfully written speech which the audience thoroughly

On this momentous day, all of us have a feeling of unity and peace and forget all our worries
and troubles. hence, the 7 th grade students perfectly depicted this feeling with their
eloquently sung song “kandhon se milte he kandhe” that reached each person’s heart.
For all the true Maharashtrians in the crowd today, Anusha conveyed the deepest of her
gratitude towards the nation by displaying her talents in a Marathi speech. This speech truly
made us all feel great to have the privilege of living in a great country such as India.
But…how would a program feel complete, if our very dear teachers would not sing with their
melodious voices?! Their beautiful song “jayostute” left the crowd roaring and screaming with
zeal and excitement.

Just like India’s prime minister hoists the flag, our dear principal hoists us students to great
heights with her inspirational speech about our country. It made all us fellow learners think
about how someday, we would too help take our country forward, much like how our brave
freedom fighters once did.

To keep up the spirits of all those in the crowd, the 8 th grade students displayed their skills in
a well-choreographed dance that showed synchronisation, emotion and fervour. All these
traits are those of a true Indian who would do anything for their country, just like all those at
vidya valley will do someday in the future.

To end our program, we payed homage to the great soldiers that died protecting us by
singing the patriotic song “Vande Mataram”.

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