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Society for Excellence in Education

Inter School Singing Competition for Juniors

Interschool singing competition for juniors

Singing has always been a much-enjoyed artform in Vidya showcases various
talents such as vocal control, emotion, expression and creativity in interpretation. Hence, the
previous Saturday, on the 10th of August was a day of great excitement for the junior grades
at our school.

This was because our school invited a total of 16 schools to share the joy in singing, but with
a competitive twist! The students from various schools were welcomed warmly and given
breakfast to fuel up before their big performance. This led to the random order selection of
the program, which was done with the help of chits to determine which school would display
their talents first, second and so on.

To take the edge off, our schools talented youth performed a small welcome song to all the
schools to show that in the end its not about winning, but the effort that goes behind
participation that matters.

It was indeed a tough competition! Each school’s endowment for music made it very hard for
the judges to pick a winner and left all students in nail-biting anxiety just before the
announcement of the results was carried out. Then finally, the moment had come. In third
place, we had the City Pride School who stood out for their flair and finesse in their song.
Coming not far behind, in second place we had Sanskriti school who’s melodiously voiced
singers reached the hearts of the judges with their song.

And finally, with their passion, dedication and beautiful voices our first-place winners were
from the S.P.M school who stole not only the audience’s support but also showed us all how
musically talented their singers are!
Apart from 1st ,2 and 3rd place, a few singers from each school were so undoubtedly good
that they deserved a special mention. Each individual that was deemed to be that
spectacular by the judges were given a special certificate and small gift from our school’s

This was indeed a day to remember, and Vidya Valley looks forward to hosting many more
events with our neighbouring schools and create a joyous environment such as the one
created by this event.

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