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Society for Excellence in Education

Green School

Green School

Protection and sustainability of the environment is ingrained in the Vision and Philosophy of Vidya Valley. We instil environmental awareness in our students. We encourage our students to take up projects. A group of students submitted a water management study of our school to WIPRO Foundation. They were awarded an Earthian prize and felicitated by Mr Premji at Bangalore.

Another group of students was awarded a prize by TERI

We conduct an annual inter-school event PEAS (Program for Environmental Awareness). Children and teachers of participating schools work in groups to set up little sustainability projects that they present to all participants.

Energy Management

Vidya Valley has embarked upon a mission in response to the government’s calls to use alternate energy in place of systems based on fossil fuel.
We are proud that the solar power generation systems implemented in our school meet our entire requirements for electrical power for computers, water pumps, classroom lights and fans, air-conditioners, and ancillary equipment.
In addition, we have optimised our energy consumption by installing energy-efficient fans and air-conditioners in lieu of existing devices.

Waste water management

Our treatment plant processes all waste water; the water produced is suitable for gardening

Waste water management

Our treatment plant processes all waste water; the water produced is suitable for gardening

Rain-water harvesting

After due professional consultation, we drilled a borewell for re-charging ground water not only to help the school but the farmers bordering the school campus.


Our in-house kitchen provides breakfast, lunch daily to all children and staff. All organic debris is processed in a vermiculture unit.


Our in-house kitchen provides breakfast, lunch daily to all children and staff. All organic debris is processed in a vermiculture unit.

Reduction of carbon footprint

From inception the school has made it mandatory for all students and most staff members to come to school in our buses. We require parents and grandparents to come to school in our buses for Open Days, Sports Days and all cultural events.
Our decision has reduced our carbon footprint and equally importantly it has relieved the community around our school of pollution and inconvenience.
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