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Society for Excellence in Education

Republic Day Speech by Ekansh Ahuja

Freedom in the mind,
Strength in the Words,
Pureness in our blood,
Zeal in our heart,

We, the students of Vidya Valley, salute India on this Republic Day.

Good Morning principal ma’am, teachers and my dear friends. As we all know we have gathered here for the Republic Day celebration, I am Ekansh Ahuja from class 8b and would like to make an observation about our country.

Do you know, India became the world’s largest democracy on this day? Let’s bow our head before the memories of Indian freedom fighters and great leaders whose sacrifices have enabled us to live in an independent Nation.

Friends, many of us have faced a lot of hardship in the year 2020. To name a few, the whole world confronts a deadly virus that has disrupted all the activities and has taken a huge toll. Many people in the country lost their livelihood, some lost their dear ones to this deadly virus.

Amidst this crisis the cyclone Amphan hits West Bengal and Orissa.

Because of China, our soldiers let down their lives at Galwan Valley.

And now our Farmers are on an endless protest and are facing a hard time.

As it has been rightly said, “crisis gives birth to the changes which were pending for many years.” same happened during this tough time.

The pandemic taught us a great lesson. It taught us to care for each other and our family and most importantly that we all are equal before Mother Nature and we primarily depend on our fellow residents for survival and growth.
Now life is gradually taking its pace and with the introduction of the vaccine, things are expected to normalize. Let’s have a new beginning and start contributing to the society.

Friends, I strongly consider India is a dear country and we all love it but let’s not forget the flaws that are making us really lack in the areas of humanity.

We suffer from many mental issues, prejudice, stereotype, and hypocrisy. Only when we rise above it all we can shape our country better.

This reminds me of a few lines from the famous poem by Amanda Gorman

We must put our difference aside
We lay down our arms
So we can reach out our arm to one another
We seek harm to none
And harmony to all.

Dear all, as we all know, 75% of the Indian population is below 35 years of age.

We youngsters must take pride in our Heritage and Culture. In the past, India has contributed a lot in the field of Science, Art, architecture, and technology, etc. To name a few, Maharishi Kannad provided the theory of the atom (Parmanu) in the year 850 BC. Zero is the gift of India to the world. But in the past 50 years because of brain drain, India has suffered a lot, now it’s time to heal this scar.

On this occasion let’s take a pledge, to not add to the Brain drain and contribute to building a strong, prosperous, and developed nation. “Atmanirbhar Bharat”

With this spirit, I offer a prayer for the well-being of one and all.

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत।

May all be happy, may all be free from illness, may all see what is auspicious, and may no one come to grief.

I once again congratulate all of you on 72nd Republic day. I wish you all good health, and a bright future thank you.

Jai Hind.

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