Dear Nalini ma’am,
This year marks the end of an incredible and the most important journey of my life. These twelve years have been phenomenal and I could not have been happier to have shared these years with such a wonderful family. Yes, Vidya valley is more than just teachers, academics, friends and school, Vidya Valley is family. It is the center that holds the best memories of my life I have and will ever make. It is sad that this road has now come to an end but I could not have walked it better. This school has given me everything a child can wish for. Vidya Valley truly lives up to the quote that the school is a child’s second home for I would never believe otherwise.

Dristi participating at a school competition
This is the place where I first learnt to make friends, create bonds that will last forever, where I lost my first tooth, where I first leant to hate homework and my firsts of so much more. I have so many golden memories over here that if i said them all, i suppose this email will never end. I would like to share some of them with you though. The earliest memory that I can remember is waiting in line with my friends in jr. kg in front of Usha ma’am, waiting to be allowed to enter the inflatable pools that the kakas and maushis had set up for us. I remember I was ecstatic to be able to splash around with my friends for a little while but the best time I have ever spent in a pool and I truly thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that.
I recall the time when we were going into first grade, we were to shift buildings and were taken to the library to wait. That was the first time I had seen the senior library. Little did I know then that it would soon become my favourite spot of the school in the years to come. The sports day heats every year were the best parts! I was never a sports person and absolutely hated the heats but I went for the juice anyway. I remember making bets with my friends only to see whether we would have orange or mango juice that day. I learnt later that they were always alternated!
The grandparent’s days and harshotsavs are days I will cherish forever. Though I have to admit I used to dread the selections for our acts, I was never one for dance! In fifth grade I was chosen as a senior monitor for first grade and I suppose that is where I learnt to pick leadership skills. That taught me the art of coordination and patience with youngsters. My senior years are what I remember for the years before, exist vividly in my head. I found my best friends in sixth grade and I am grateful to the Vidya Valley for letting me be a part of her family because otherwise I would never have met them.
They say a teacher is like a second mother to you. I refuse to accept that. There is not one teacher in the VVS staff who has not been motherly to me. I could never simply say that this teacher is my second mother unless I am allowed to give that position to all the 75 – 80 teachers in our school.
I will be forever grateful to vidya valley, for her vast opportunities for students is what helped me find my passion and career path in space science. I was able to be a part of respected national and international competitions because Vidya Valley let me and had wonderful teachers like Vandana ma’am to guide me through that journey.
I wish to say so much more but i suppose one cannot fit so much in an email. I hold immense respect for all our kakas and maushis because without them I know I would be lost. My love for Vidya Valley is perhaps greater than what I assumed it to be for I find tears in my eyes as I end this letter. Thank you ma’am for creating such a beautiful place for us. I will miss Vidya Valley immensely, from hanging out at the bus stands, taking Ginger and Jugni on walks, to sitting at the corner of the classroom and serving detention though I am pretty sure that happened only once.
I thank you once again ma’am but I could never thank you enough.
With all the love,
Dristi Sengupta