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Society for Excellence in Education

Author: Ipsita Rodricks

Welcome to Vidya Valley, where education is a journey of growth and discovery. As a  proud product of the first 
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My Experience of “Online School” It was a summer holiday and dad told me that you have school tomorrow. I 
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My Experience in Online Classes In March 2020, the Covid 19 pandemic hit India and India’s first lockdown was announced. 
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Often you think you’re at the end of something, but you’re at the beginning of something else. It does not 
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2020! Where do I start? This year is etched in my memory and will always be. We had no clue 
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I enjoy teaching a live class. I love the warmth and the tight hugs of my students. I love the 
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The day started with a chirpy good morning wish, their chit-chat and laughter. All the children were curious to know 
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The year 2020 was a chance to learn and unlearn. We had to come up with ingenious ways to keep 
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Ring, ring!! Lounging on the attic sofa one afternoon, I decided to play an evil prank on Uncle Ken. A 
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TROUBLE AT THE THEATRE Uncle Ken wanted to take part in the Annual Play in the Dehra Theatre. Granny thought 
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