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Society for Excellence in Education

Learning By Doing

There is a Tuesday every week. But this one was different. “Tuesdays for Tomorrow” is a forum for principals, students and teachers from various schools to collaborate and exchange ideas. The ideas range from parenting to empathy to project-based learning. The four of us: Anvay Bendre, Keshav Pazyhayannur, Aashvi Joshi and I, were given the privilege of presenting the idea of an app.  This Invitation came to us from Jyoti Kumta maam who with a group of children from Ramnagar Colony had created a visitor management app for their colony.

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The app project is one that is advancing under Ipsita Ma’am. She has been the guiding star and mastermind behind this project; as they say, “like mother, like daughter!” Supported by Ipsita Ma’am and Vibhuti Ma’am, we, five groups in Grade 8, are trying to make tiresome processes in school a little easier by leveraging the power of technology. We are mentored by Jyoti Maam and Arnav

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By programming apps and software, we aim to automate daily tedious and time-consuming tasks and make life even more enjoyable in Vidya Valley, our second home. Like any project, this too will require tremendous patience and endurance, but we’re ready.

Our eagerness and enthusiasm have been and will continue to be the driving force that makes us strive to do better every single time. Through this project, we hope to put Vidya Valley at the forefront of schools that not only encourage but also ‘embed’ project-based learning into their curriculum.


– Maitreyee Gangal Class: 8C

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