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Society for Excellence in Education

The Muffin Mess

CHARACTERS: Uncle Ken, Grandmother, Grandfather and Ruskin or me

It was a bright sunny spring day, and there was a pleasant breeze in the afternoon air. Grandmother’s flower beds of Primula, Narcissus, Iris, and Azaleas were in full bloom. The birds were chirping away happily. Grandmother had decided to celebrate the onset of spring by making blueberry muffins and her famous cheesecake for her friends. Uncle Ken, Grandfather and I had helped Grandmother to collect blueberries from her garden. Uncle Ken was very fond of bananas and got a dozen to celebrate spring in his own special way.

While Grandmother and I were busy in the kitchen baking goodies, Uncle Ken and Grandfather settled down in the afternoon sun with their favorite books and a pile of bananas. The two of them soon had a neat collection of banana peels on the narrow garden path.

Meanwhile, it was time for the guests to arrive and Grandmother and I had set the low table in the garden next to the men and arranged the muffins, cheesecake and savories on the table. Grandmother’s friends arrived and were delighted to see the beautiful spread in the lovely garden setting.

As Uncle Ken got up in a rush to greet the guests he stepped upon the banana peels and took a flying dive straight into the muffins. Uncle Ken was fortunately not hurt, and being a good sport took one swipe of the creamy muffin from his face and licked it saying “Yummy, this is so delicious that I just could not wait. Do forgive my manners.” Having said that he turned around and went off to the washroom. We all had a good laugh and grandmother saved the day by producing an extra round of mouthwatering creamy muffins.

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