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Society for Excellence in Education



Be Prepared  is the moto of a Girl Guide and a Boy Scout.  It has stuck with me ever since I was a 13 year old. Though there have been many instances in which the very moto was a source of strength and motivation for action, the year 2020 flashed it out for everyone in bold.  The world never realised what was in the offing. Everyone had to pull out their resources and strength to fight the pandemic situation.  As “ Covid Warriors” all will go down in history in their own way.  Salute to the doctors, police men, health care givers, swachhata kamgar, grocers, vendors, farmers who came to the rescue at a short notice, when no one was prepared for such a crisis.

As the going got tough, the tough got going. In every field there were alternatives to the normal way of functioning. This was true of the student and teacher community as well..  There was no time or choice, but to pull up our socks and move beyond boundaries to let learning continue.  It had to be done at a super speed so that the ball doesn’t drop.

Expanding bandwidth, getting tech-savvy, arranging multiple gadgets, exploring various teaching aids, conducting and attending classes from various locations has been a process that has no limits. The parent participation in the day to day conducting of classes has been commendable.  The teacher community has been more creative and empathetic than ever before. Children always amaze us.

They have adjusted to the new normal like fish to the water. As adults we needed a lot of time to comprehend, bend, balance and adjust. The lockdown time was a good time for looking inwards, developing hobbies and spending quality time with family. Looking up the net for recipes and exercise routines has taken up people’s interest.

Work From Home (WFH) has become a normal term and situation for a long time to come. Though for teachers and children school is the place, that they crave to be at. May the day arrive soon when we can all meet and say our chirpy good mornings at school. Run, play, sing, dance, learn etc etc.

Till then we all need to be positive and live in  the moment, because we don’t know what is in store for us tomorrow. Cheerio and God Bless.

Rachana Aserkar

Class teacher

Sr.KG Aster.



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